Efficient Pallet Dispensing: Streamlining Operations and Boosting Productivity

Automatic pallet dispensing offers numerous advantages for facilities in various industries. One of the key benefits is improved employee safety and turnover rates. By eliminating the manual removal of pallets from stacks, which can be a repetitive process prone to injuries, these machines enhance workplace safety.

Moreover, integrating automated pallet dispensing into a conveyor system can significantly improve speed and throughput rates. Instead of employees manually pulling empty pallets from stacks and maneuvering them onto the conveyor, the automated system places the pallet directly onto the conveyor. This streamlined process reduces the time required for pallet handling and increases overall efficiency.

Two notable examples of successful implementation of automated pallet dispensing are B&G Foods and Proctor and Gamble. B&G Foods had been using a completely manual process where a human worker would remove pallets from stacks and place them on a conveyor for robotic palletizing. This process was not only inefficient but also posed safety risks. By integrating a pallet dispenser adjacent to the robotic work cell, B&G Foods improved safety, speed, and productivity.

Proctor and Gamble had a more sophisticated requirement. They wanted to automate the process of transporting clean pallets from the loading dock to the production area. A pallet dispenser was installed, which could hold a stack of 15-20 pallets, and dispensed pallets directly onto the conveyor. This automated system reduced human intervention, except for loading the pallets into the system, and created clear distinctions between different conveyor areas.

At Cherry’s Industrial Equipment, all automated pallet dispensing equipment is designed and manufactured in the United States. Their solutions are dependable and long-lasting, catering to various industries. If you are looking to improve pallet dispensing efficiency, Cherry’s offers a range of automatic pallet dispensers. Contact them today for more information and find the best solution for your facility.

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